Resource consent applications and designations.
Ben has assessed numerous resource consent applications for a wide range of development proposals on behalf of City Councils.Ben has been involved in the preparation and/or review of an extensive range of consent applications Assessment of Environmental Effects throughout New Zealand, including:
Glenorchy Basecamp
Grand Mt Earnslaw Hotel
Queenstown CBD Hotels (for Well Smart Investements Ltd)
TSS Earnslaw Historic Slipway Redevelopment
Queenstown Country Club Luxury Retirement Village & Commercial Precinct
Southern Cross Hospital, Queenstown
iFly NZ
Lord of the Fries, Queenstown
New Ground Worker Accommodation Queenstown and Frankton
Rees Valley Lodge
Picton and Waikawa Port and Marina Extension and Drystack Development;
Benmore Irrigation Scheme (for DOC)
Blueskin windfarm
Many of the wind farm proposals in New Zealand
Plimmerton Boating Club seawall and boatshed redevelopment
South Auckland Regional Prison
Masterton District Council Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Wellington City Council Social Housing Upgrades
Progressive Enterprises Newtown Supermarket
Wellington Institute of Technology Campus Developments
Karori Wildlife Sanctuary visitor platform and Mt Victoria Summit Redevelopment
Wellington Waterfront Development – Taranaki Wharf Stage II
Penthouse Cinema and Miramar (Roxy) Cinema Redevelopments
Caltex Service Station Redevelopments; Victoria University Campus
Old Saint Pauls Flagpole
Mount Street Cemetery Heritage Site
Numerous - Visitor Accommodation activities in Queenstown
Numerous - Rural subdivision & development in Queenstown’s Wakatipu Basin
Numerous - Residential and mixed-use developments, including central city apartments, tower buildings, multi-unit townhouses, social housing developments, childcare centres; and numerous high density retirement villages (Petone; Tauranga; Hamilton; Whanganui; Palmerston North; Gisborne; Nelson; Wellington; Lower Hutt; New Plymouth, and Waikanae)
Numerous - other subdivisions, unit-titles, and minor infrastructure development.
Resource management plans
Ben has had involvement, to varying degrees, in the preparation of an extensive range of resource management plans in New Zealand, including: Southland RPS and the Southland Water and Land Plan; QLDC District Plan Review, Otago Proposed RPS, Porirua City Council District Plan Tree Protection; New Plymouth District Plan; Southland District Plan; Canterbury RPS; Northland RPS; Greater Wellington RPS; Otago Regional Council Plan Change 6A; Porirua Plan Change 7 – Wind Farms; Waikato RPS; Horizons One Plan; Horowhenua District Plan; Proposed Rangitikei District Plan; Clutha District Plan Change 23-25 Energy and Utilities; Ruapehu District Plan; Wellington City Council District Plan Changes 72 and 73; Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan; Greater Wellington Regional One Plan; Manawatu District Plan; Kapiti Coast District Plan; Hurunui District Plan; South Taranaki District Plan; Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt Combined District Plan Changes; Auckland Unitary Plan; Hutt City Council Subdivision & Central Area District Plan Changes; Combined Wairarapa District Plans; Palmerston North District Plan; Upper Hutt City District Plan; Selwyn District Plan.
Environment court
Queenstown Lakes Proposed District Plan (for various tourism operators and landowners)
Simmons House Lake Ohau ONL (for the applicant)
Wanaka Water Sports Facility (for Save Wanaka Lakefront)
Around the Mountains Cycle Trail (for Fish & Game NZ)
Blueskin Windfarm (for the Blueskin resilient trust)
QLDC District Plan Change 50 (for various property owners)
Porirua District Plan Change 7 (for NZWEA, Meridian Energy and other power companies)
Proposed Horizons One Plan (for NZWEA)
Proposed Ruapehu District Plan (for NZWEA)
Hutt City Council - Richmond Street Apartments (for Hutt City Council)
National environmental legislation and policy documents
In late 2013 Ben was seconded to the Environmental Protection Authority to assist the EPA implement its new consenting functions required under the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act (the EEZ Act). During this time Ben also provided the EPA with an independent review of Anadarko’s Impact Assessment for its exploratory drilling campaign in the Canterbury Basin. From 2010 to 2013 Ben represented NZWEA engaging with a variety of key stakeholders* in regard to potential RMA reforms, the monitoring and implementation of national and regional policy statements, the development of non-statutory policy guidance, investigation into the development of new national environmental standards, the Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Bill, and the New Zealand productivity commission’s review of local government regulation.Ben has been involved, to varying degrees, in the preparation of the following:
Quality Planning Guidance Notes: review and updating QP guidance notes in response to the RMA Amendment Act 2013 (MfE)
Wind farm development in New Zealand; a framework for best practice 2013 (NZWEA)
NPS Renewable Electricity Generation 2011 (MfE, MED); Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the NPS Renewable Electricity Generation (MfE); NPS Electricity Generation Implementation Guide 2011 (MfE); and the NPS Renewable Electricity Generation Technical Guide 2013 (EECA);
NZ Coastal Policy Statement non-statutory guidance 2013 (DOC)
RMA Resource Reform Bill 2012
Report of the Minister for the Environment’s RMA 1991 principles technical advisory group 2012 (MfE)
Draft Best Practice Guidelines for Biodiversity Offsetting 2012 (DOC)
Northland, Auckland, and Waikato Conservation Management Strategies 2012 (DOC)
Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Bill 2011
Proposed NES Plantation Forestry 2010 (MfE)Proposed NPS for Indigenous Biodiversity 2010 (MfE)
Marine consent applications
Working for the EPA, Ben reviewed and assessed inaugural marine consent applications lodged win the EPA in 2013 in relation to the Chatham Rock Phosphate and Trans-Tasman Resources proposals.
Research, strategic planning, planning studies & consultation
Ben was actively involved in the following projects:
New Zealand Wind Farm Development: A framework for best practice 2013 (Primary Author)
Built Heritage Study of the Orongorongo Valley 2013 (Project Manager)
Plimmerton Boating Club Strategic Plan 2012 (Author)
An assessment of the relevant Council policy provisions for the renewal or disposal of the old Paekakariki Children’s Playground 2011 (Author)
Review of the Canterbury Land and Water Strategy for Land Information New Zealand, 2010
SH2 Melling-Hayward’s Interchange Options Investigation, 2009
Great Harbour Way Feasibility Study, 2009
Upper Hutt City Council’s Southern Hills Environmental Management Study, 2008
Marlborough Sounds Boat Accommodation Study, 2007
Wellington Regional Western Corridor Transportation Study, 2005
E-Planning for the Ministry for the Environment, 2006
Wellington City Councils Wellington North Public Transportation Review, 2006
Transit New Zealand’s Road Toll Systems Project, 2004
Wellington City Council’s Lambton Quay Project Upgrade, 2004-2005
Transpower’s Design Guide for Development Near High Voltage Transmission Lines, 2006
Sustainability Reporting in New Zealand, Assessing Progress 2002 (co-author)
Stakeholders such as Ministers (current and former), Members of Parliament, Officials at the Ministry for the Environment, Department of Conservation, Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment, EECA, electricity generators, Transpower, local government, and expert environmental planners and lawyers.
John Edmonds, Bridget Allen
Owners, John Edmonds & Associates
Maree Baker-Galloway
Partner, Anderson Lloyd Ltd
Joshua Leckie
Partner, Lane Neave Ltd
James Gardener-Hopkins
Sally Gepp
Sarah Ongley
Scott Willis
General Manager, Blueskin Resilient Trust
Matthew Day
Commercial Director, Wayfare Ltd
Fiona Black
Consents & Concessions Manager, Real Journeys Ltd
Andrew Mitchell
Development Manager, Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Daryl Scott
Director, Sanderson Group / Queenstown Commercial
Fraser Sanderson
Owner, Sanderson Group / Queenstown Commercial
Gary Beyer, Emma Beyer
Owners, iFly New Zealand Ltd
Nic Ballara
Architect, Poneke Limited
Aaron Andrew, Alice Andrew
Owners & General Manager, 4Sight Consulting
Robert Schofield
Director, Boffa Miskell Ltd; Fellow, NZPI
Zane Moss
General Manager, Southland Fish & Game
Mike Burgess
Owner, Republic Hospitality Group
Adam Muldoon
Former Chaiman, NZ Wind Energy Association
Fraser Clarke
Former CEO, NZ Wind Energy Association
Eric Pyle
Former CO, NZ Wind Energy Association; CEO NZ Walking Access Commission
Gina Sweetman
Owner, Sweetman Planning Services
Kegan Toft
Director Legal, PWC Ltd
Helen Oram
Director, Hutt City Council
Mitch Lewendowski
Consultant, Urban Perspectives; Former Manager, Wellington City Council